Week 5 and Now I know I'm Really Pregnant

5 Weeks and now I know I’m pregnant…

I had a little peek around the different pregnancy apps today and apparently the baby already has a heartbeat and is the size of an orange seed. That’s a trip to me. Of course it’s not detectible yet which is why they don’t have you see an OBGYN until around week 8 just to make sure and to not freak out the mama if the heartbeat isn’t yet detectible. It makes perfect sense, but of course that wait feels like an eternity. I know that we aren’t going to tell people for a while, but this news, even though not totally confirmed, feels too big to keep inside from everyone. I had to call my sister and let her know because even if things go sideways, she’s the person I would call to talk to. Not a pleasant thought I know, but the reality is about a third of pregnancies won’t make it. I’m focusing on being as optimistic as possible while trying to temper my excitement. 

In the beginning of the week I was feeling so smug about how great I felt. I cooked all healthy meals, exercised just about everyday, and had it in my mind that maybe I would escape the dreaded pregnancy symptoms that so many women talk about. Then slowly they started creeping in. The first thing to hit me was how crazy sensitive my boobs got. I mean, insane. When I would get out of the shower to dry off if the towel barely grazed me I’d yelp and Chris would come flying in from the other room wondering if I had hurt myself. The next symptom could have been a super power if it didn’t have so many unwanted side-effects. I certainly wasn’t eating for two, but I sure as heck was SMELLING for two. I mean, what in the world? I would smell EVERYTHING. And unfortunately, not everything smells great. I have to hold my breath in elevators and other close quarters to other people. But there are two smells that make me want to RUN out of the room, bananas and coffee. It’s not such a bad thing that coffee is making me turn green because ideally cutting out coffee is a benefit, but boy oh boy is there coffee smells everywhere! Since I’m so early in the pregnancy it’s not as if I can explain my sudden exits from any coffee shop or anyone holding coffee so it’s going to be an awkward few months for sure. 

These two pretty harmless symptoms were just fine by me. So I can smell everything and the tatas are super sensitive (in a painful way). I can totally handle this right? Well that’s what I thought until 5 weeks and 6 days I woke up feeling so nauseated that I thought I had the stomach flu. Nope, it’s just good old fashion morning sickness. Well at least they call it morning sickness even though it hits you every single minute of the day. I’ve tried crackers, tea, soda water, lying down, nothing is even slightly curbing this feeling of I’m going to lose it any second now. I know that for most women this symptom doesn’t last the entire pregnancy and there are ways to curb it, but man oh man, I really hope that’s sooner than later. 

As a side note, I’ve also experienced my first little bought of “pregnancy brain.” I just looked down and I’ve only shaved one of my legs and of course I’m wearing a dress today. It actually really makes me laugh. 

What were your Week 5 symptoms? Did you even know you were pregnant at 5 weeks? If you read my last post you’d know that finding out I was pregnant was all funny timing with friends in town. If they hadn’t been here I wouldn’t have checked until week 5 or 6 after my missed period. 

What helped me this week:

  • My senses were on such overload I had my hubs head straight to the shower after work to get any smells off him. Please note, he’s not a smelly guy, just any smell made me queasy. 

  • Extra-large sports bras saved me this week. I couldn’t wear anything too tight because the ladies were so sensitive. 

  • While I was feeling pretty good, I ate as many veggies as I could get in. 

  • When the big-time nausea set in, I reminded myself it would last forever and it was just a normal part of pregnancy for many women.

Just a reminder, I am not a doctor and I am not giving medical advice. All posts are my own experiences and my own opinions, but are NOT medical recommendations for others.